Wardance Orange catalog now streaming!

Today, the entire Wardance Orange catalog is available now on all streaming sites, available as three seperate Ep’s.. ‘s/t‘, ‘demo‘, and ‘unheard‘. For those not aware, Wardance was a band that existed in Richmond, Va between 1995 and 1997(?) ish, played a ton of fucking shows and really captured an amazing part of sound that […]

Debut Single from Rival Kinds…

Rival Kinds is a collaboration between artist Alix Petrie, and Gary Llama. Their debut single is called ‘Safe Word‘, and comes from a body of work that will be released in some time as an ep or album. The single is streaming everywhere, now.

Now Streaming: From Earth To Ashes’ ‘Dark City’ album

Today we are excited to be releasing the ‘Dark City’ album by the late-90’s Richmond hardcore band, From Earth To Ashes, to all streaming platforms. FETA consisted of members of older Richmond bands such as Broken Chains of Segregation, Indypendant, and Pre-Skool. The 7-song album is available streaming now.

New artist to label: Mimirock & ‘Uncontrollable’ EP!

Today we are beginning to rerelease some recordings by NYC band, Mimirock! Mimirock was a punk band from NYC between 1995 and 2005, known for their live show and performances. The first EP we are releasing for Mimirock, is ‘Uncontrollable‘, a four-song EP, streaming now!