'This really hits the sweet spot of late-’90s / early-2000s basement punk. The encouraged and celebrated East Bay classics filtered through the grittier, grimier, rustedier locales like Chattanooga, or the town that 500$FINE calls home: Richmond, Va. Not every song on this EP is as good as the rest, but it’s in that questionable taste and decision making that makes me fall in love with this slab even harder. No second is wasted. Their aim never strays. This is the battle cry that made us feel like we finally had purpose. And even if we rarely raise our fists and scream it in unison anymore, we know it when we hear it.' - Razorcake

S / T


Catalog Number: OV109
Released on 02.23.22


Streaming Vinyl


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Their first release since reuniting in 2019, and their first release on vinyl, ever… 500$Fine’s ‘S/T’ answers the question of what does a reunited punk band, now in their 40s write about. The answer, is 4 songs addressing all manner of social issues, from the Capitol insurrection, dealing with chronic depression, growing old as a punk, and being an ally as a white skinned person to people of color in this current moment in time, all delivered with an energy and passion that seems as genuine as it ever did.

  1. Yer Wolfbro Is In My Capitol
  2. Burning
  3. The Same
  4. Commonwealth

Gary - Guitar, Vocals
Jason - Bass
Matthew - Drums

Recorded 2021 at the 500$Fine practice space in Richmond, VA

Cover photo by Matthew Dennis

Mixed by Evan Elizabeth at 'As-Is' Audio
Backing vocals on 7" version of 'Commonwealth' by The Three 'E's.
© 1997-2024 OVOLR! - Richmond, VA USA